Wednesday, August 21, 2019

5.2 我來到墓園

5.2 Góa lâi kàu bōng-hn̂g
Bô-ì-tiong góa soah khai-sí koan-sim chit ê siàu-liân-lâng. Chit chióng koan-sim hoān-sè chham tio̍h chū-su ê sêng-hūn; hoān-sè góa tī i ê chit chióng siong-sim í-keng ioh tio̍h lāi-té ê ài-chêng kò͘-sū; hoān-sè góa sī siūⁿ boeh chai-iáⁿ chit ê kò͘-sū, chiah ē ūi tio̍h Armand bô--khì lâi put-an.
Kì-jiân Duval Ss [Sian-siⁿ] bô tńg-lâi khòaⁿ góa, góa koat-tēng khì in tau khòaⁿ i. Khòaⁿ i ê lí-iû chin hó chhōe; m̄-koh góa m̄-chai in tau ê tē-chí; góa khì mn̄g lâng, mā bô lâng chai-iáⁿ.
Góa khì d'Antin Ke thàm-thiaⁿ; hoān-sè Marguerite ê kò͘-mn̂g--ê chai Armand tòa tī tó. Kò͘-mn̂g--ê sī sin-lâi ê, i kap góa kāng-khoán mā m̄-chai. Góa tō mn̄g i, Gautier sió-chiá tâi tī tó. I kóng tī Montmartre Bōng-hn̂g. Taⁿ í-keng sī sì-goe̍h ah, thiⁿ-khì chin hó, bōng-hn̂g bē chhiūⁿ tī kôaⁿ-thiⁿ sî hiah-nī im-khì, chhe-liâng. Kan-tan kóng, khì-hāu í-keng un-loán kah oa̍h-lâng ē su-liām sí-khì ê chhin-lâng, siūⁿ boeh lâi thàm-khòaⁿ in ê bōng ah. Góa cháu-khì bōng-hn̂g, án-ne kā ka-tī kóng: "Sió-khóa khòaⁿ Marguerite ê bōng, tō chai Armand sī-m̄-sī iáu teh siong-sim, hoān-sè góa mā ē chai taⁿ i sī án-chóaⁿ ah."
Góa lâi-kàu bōng-hn̂g koán-lí-sek, mn̄g kóng sī-m̄-sī jī goe̍h 22 tī Montmartre Bōng-hn̂g ū tâi chi̍t-ê kiò Marguerite Gautier ê cha-bó͘-lâng. Koán-lí-oân hian-khui kāu-kāu ê teng-kì-phō͘, lāi-té chiàu pian-hō teng-kì tio̍h tī chia ji̍p-chòng ê lâng, kóng: tī jī goe̍h 22 ê 12 tiám, tī chia ū tâi chi̍t-ê kiò hit-hō miâ ê cha-bó͘.
Góa pài-thok i kiò lâng chhōa góa khì khòaⁿ hit-ê bōng, in-ūi tī che iā-chóng-hōe, tō ná oa̍h-lâng ê to͘-chhī, ke-lō͘ ná ti-tu-bāng, bô lâng chhōa chhōe bô. Koán-lí-oân kiò chi̍t-ê hn̂g-teng lâi, kā kau-tài kúi kù; hn̂g-teng sûi kóng: "Góa chai, góa chai. -- Hit-ê bōng bē-pháiⁿ chhōe," ná oa̍t-thâu khòaⁿ góa.
"Án-chóaⁿ kóng?" góa mn̄g i.
"In-ūi i ū kap pa̍t-ê bōng bô kāng ê hoe."
"Hit-ê bōng sī lí teh khòaⁿ-kò͘ ê, sī-bô?"
"Sī ah, ū chi̍t-ê siàu-liân pài-thok góa khòaⁿ-kò͘. Sian-siⁿ, góa hi-bāng ta̍k-ê chhin-chiâⁿ lóng chhiūⁿ i hiah-nī koan-sim sí-khì ê chhin-lâng."
Kiâⁿ kúi-ê oan-oaat liáu-āu, hn̂g-teng tòng-tiām, kóng: "Tī chia."
Góa khòaⁿ tio̍h bīn-chêng chi̍t-tè khàm-móa hoe ê sì-kak tē, nā bô hit-tè khek-miâ ê bōng-pâi, bô lâng ē chai che sī chi̍t-ê bōng.
Tāi-lí-chio̍h ê bōng-pâi khiā thêng-thêng, tē-kài iōng thih lân-kan ûi tio̍h, thô͘-kha móa-móa pho͘ tio̍h pe̍h-sek ê tê-hoe.
"Lí kám-kak án-chóaⁿ?" hn̂g-teng mn̄g góa.
"Chiâⁿ súi."
"Jīm-hô chi̍t-lúi tê-hoe nā siā, góa tō chiàu hoan-hù kā ōaⁿ sin--ê."
"Sī siáng hoan-hù lí ê?"
"Chi̍t-ê siàu-liân sin-sū, tú lâi ê sî khàu-kah án-ne; góa siūⁿ i sī sí-chiá ê lāu-siong-hó, lâng kóng hit-ê cha-bó͘ sī kau-chè-hoe. Góa siūⁿ tiāⁿ-tio̍h mā chin súi. Sian-siⁿ, lí kám bat i?"
"Kap hit-ê siàu-liân kāng-khoán?" hn̂g-teng chhiò-chhiò kóng.
"Bô kāng, góa m̄-bat kap i kóng-kòe ōe."
"Lí mā lâi chia! Lí lâng chiâⁿ hó, in-ūi lâi khòaⁿ chit-ê ko͘-niû ê, ē-sái kóng sī hán-kheh."
"Kám bô pa̍t-lâng lâi khòaⁿ i?"
"Bô, kan-ta hit-ê siàu-liân sin-sū lâi chi̍t pái."
"Kan-ta chi̍t pái?"
"Sī ah, sian-siⁿ"
"Án-ne tō bô koh lâi ah?"
"Bô, m̄-koh i nā tńg-kàu chhù, i ē koh lâi."
"I chhut-mn̂g khì loh?"
"Sī ah."
"Lí kám chai i khì tó-ūi?"
"Góa siūⁿ, i sī khì chhōe Gautier sió-chiá in a-chí."
"I khì hia chhòng siáⁿ?"
"I khì kiû i ê ín-chún, thang ó͘ si-thé tâi khì pa̍t-ūi."
"Sī án-chóaⁿ i m̄-ài i tâi tiàm chia?"
5.2 我來到墓園
無意中我 soah 開始關心這个少年人. 這種關心凡勢參著自私 ê 成份; 凡勢我 ê 這種傷心已經臆著內底 ê 愛情故事; 凡勢我是想欲知影這个故事, 才會為著 Armand 無去來不安.
既然 Duval Ss [先生] 無轉來看我, 我決定去 in 兜看伊. 看伊 ê 理由真好揣; 毋過我毋知 in ê 地址; 我去問人, mā 無人知影.
我去 d'Antin 街探聽; 凡勢 Marguerite ê 顧門 ê Armand tī tó. 顧門 ê 是新來 ê, kap 我仝款毋知. 問伊, Gautier 小姐埋 tī tó. 伊講 tī Montmartre 墓園. 今已經是四月 ah, 天氣真好, 墓園袂像寒天時 hiah-nī 陰氣, 淒涼. 簡單講, 氣候已經溫暖甲活人會思念死去 ê 親人, 想欲來探看 in ê ah. 我走去墓園, án-ne kā 家己講: "小可看 Marguerite ê , tō Armand 是毋是猶 teh 傷心, 凡勢我會知今伊是按怎 ah."
我來到墓園管理室, 問講是毋是二月 22 tī Montmartre 墓園有埋一个叫 Marguerite Gautier ê 查某人. 管理員掀開厚厚 ê 登記簿, 內底照編號登記著遮入葬 ê , : tī 二月 22 ê 12 , tī 遮有埋一个叫彼號名 ê 查某.
我拜託伊叫人 chhōa 我去看彼个墓, 因為這夜總會, tō ná 活人 ê 都市, 街路蜘蛛網, 無人 chhōa 揣無. 管理員叫一个園丁來, kā 交代幾句; 園丁隨講: "我知, 我知. -- 彼个墓袂歹揣," ná 越頭看我.
"按怎講?" 我問伊.
"因為伊有 kap 別个墓無仝 ê ."
"彼个墓是你 teh 看顧 ê, 是無?"
" ah, 有一个少年拜託我看顧. 先生, 我希望逐个親 chiâⁿ 攏像伊 hiah-nī 關心死去 ê 親人."
行幾个彎斡了後, 園丁擋恬, : "Tī ."
我看著面前一塊崁滿花 ê 四角地, nā 無彼塊刻名 ê 墓牌, 無人會知這是一个墓.
大理石 ê 墓牌徛 thêng-thêng, 地界用鐵欄杆圍著, 塗跤滿滿鋪著白色 ê 茶花.
"你感覺按怎?" 園丁問我.
"任何一蕊茶花, 照吩咐換新 ê."
" siáng 吩咐你 ê?"
"一个少年紳士, 拄來 ê 時哭甲 án-ne; 我想伊是死者 ê 老相好, 人講彼个查某是交際花. 我想定著真媠. 先生, 你敢捌伊?"
"Kap 彼个少年仝款?" 園丁笑笑講.
"無仝, 我毋 bat kap 伊講過話."
"來遮! 你人誠好, 因為來看這个姑娘 ê, 會使講是罕客."
", 干焦彼个少年紳士來一擺."
" ah, 先生"
"Án-ne tō koh ah?"
", 毋過伊轉到厝, 伊會 koh ."
"伊出門去 loh?"
" ah."
"我想, 伊是去揣 Gautier 小姐 in 阿姊."
"伊去求伊 ê 允准, 通挖屍體埋去別位."
"是按怎伊毋愛伊埋 tiàm ?"
I was interested in the young man in spite of myself. Perhaps there was some selfishness in this interest; perhaps I guessed at some pathetic love story under all this sorrow; perhaps my desire to know all about it had much to do with the anxiety which Armand's silence caused me. 
Since M. Duval did not return to see me, I decided to go and see him. A pretext was not difficult to find; unluckily I did not know his address, and no one among those whom I questioned could give it to me. 
I went to the Rue d'Antin; perhaps Marguerite's porter would know where Armand lived. There was a new porter; he knew as little about it as I. I then asked in what cemetery Mlle. Gautier had been buried. It was the Montmartre Cemetery. It was now the month of April; the weather was fine, the graves were not likely to look as sad and desolate as they do in winter; in short, it was warm enough for the living to think a little of the dead, and pay them a visit. I went to the cemetery, saying to myself: "One glance at Marguerite's grave, and I shall know if Armand's sorrow still exists, and perhaps I may find out what has become of him." 
I entered the keeper's lodge, and asked him if on the 22nd of February a woman named Marguerite Gautier had not been buried in the Montmartre Cemetery. He turned over the pages of a big book in which those who enter this last resting-place are inscribed and numbered, and replied that on the 22nd of February, at 12 o'clock, a woman of that name had been buried. 
I asked him to show me the grave, for there is no finding one's way without a guide in this city of the dead, which has its streets like a city of the living. The keeper called over a gardener, to whom he gave the necessary instructions; the gardener interrupted him, saying: "I know, I know.--It is not difficult to find that grave," he added, turning to me. 
"Because it has very different flowers from the others." 
"Is it you who look after it?" 
"Yes, sir; and I wish all relations took as much trouble about the dead as the young man who gave me my orders." 
After several turnings, the gardener stopped and said to me: "Here we are." 
I saw before me a square of flowers which one would never have taken for a grave, if it had not been for a white marble slab bearing a name. 
The marble slab stood upright, an iron railing marked the limits of the ground purchased, and the earth was covered with white camellias. 
"What do you say to that?" said the gardener. 
"It is beautiful." 
"And whenever a camellia fades, I have orders to replace it." 
"Who gave you the order?" 
"A young gentleman, who cried the first time he came here; an old pal of hers, I suppose, for they say she was a gay one. Very pretty, too, I believe. Did you know her, sir?" 
"Like the other?" said the gardener, with a knowing smile. 
"No, I never spoke to her." 
"And you come here, too! It is very good of you, for those that come to see the poor girl don't exactly cumber the cemetery." 
"Doesn't anybody come?"

"Nobody, except that young gentleman who came once."

"Only once?"

"Yes, sir."

"He never came back again?"

"No, but he will when he gets home."

"He is away somewhere?"


"Do you know where he is?"

"I believe he has gone to see Mlle. Gautier's sister."

"What does he want there?"

"He has gone to get her authority to have the corpse dug up again and put somewhere else." 
"Why won't he let it remain here?" 

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